
Takoyaki Girl

I wasn't a fan of takoyaki until I met this man, who I was friends with benefits with during one of my darkest years. I was trying everything, and my choices always led to nonstop reckless behavior. Red flags and boundaries weren’t part of my vocabulary back then. It wasn’t something my parents asked me to sit down and discuss behind closed doors. I was left to fend for myself at an early age, constantly seeking validation from parents who were busy giving their best to provide us a comfortable life while dealing with their own monsters blindly. One night, when we visited his friends, he told them he wouldn't want me as his girlfriend because I was deeply involved in nude art. He liked my art but didn’t want to be part of it. Fortunately, I overheard this conversation, and ever since then, I hated the way he looked when he was on top of me. From that moment, I planned my way out, like ditching him on my birthday and lying that I cooked the kare-kare I brought for his birthday,

It's been a long time coming.

I haven’t worked for days. I was in the middle of work last Monday and found myself almost vomiting in front of the laptop. This feeling is familiar; I’ve felt it numerous times before. This is my body saying, 'Nope, we don’t like doing that anymore.' Part of me envies the people who get to bag the loyalty award for staying in one place for so long. I loved this job. I enjoyed everything I was doing. I don’t talk to people; I don’t need to over-apologize for mistakes I didn’t make, and I was in front of numbers. I get to use Ctrl+H, Ctrl+G, Ctrl+F, C, V, and many others. I was having fun. Until I wasn’t. The company started to micromanage me and started questioning how fast I do the job. I was an efficient worker because I am a lazy person, but all those efficiencies backfired on me because all the shortcuts I found to make the job easier are now making me get paid less. I tried working slowly, but that just fried my brain cells. Clearly, I reached the precipice, and the only o

Beauty in the Void

I sat staring at a blank page in Microsoft Word, tears streaming down my face for hours. Olivia Rodrigo's "All I Want" played on repeat through my headphones, intensifying the overwhelming emotions that consumed me. Some days, words simply fail to express what I'm feeling; I'm simply left to feel it all. As I tackled the office reports, it struck me that today was the 12th of March. Years ago, this week would have been filled with bustling plans and celebrations. Have you ever experienced that feeling when a date you've commemorated for years suddenly loses its significance? There might not have been anything to mark today, but amidst the absence of a once-cherished tradition, I realized that even the absence of something is still worth celebrating. Sometimes a man gets exactly what he wishes for, and that can be the most perfect punishment of all.  - Joe Goldberg, You I looked around me. I am living a life I used to only dream about. A few years back, the i

Sit with it.

Some familiar feelings leave you addicted to them. Sometimes, all you need is a conversation, a phrase, and it transports you back to wanting to curl yourself back in bed. I physically hurt myself when the pain of spoken words becomes unbearable to carry. I came from parents who left me to figure out my potential, leaving me alone to grow roots so deep that I could fend for myself. I didn’t win the lottery of the womb; worse, I was dealt bad cards, which left me without a choice to play. Today, I feel like physically hurting myself. A punch in the face, bumping my head on the wall, or pinching myself so hard that you'd see the shadow of my nails that will wear off too. I feel like an elephant's feet have stomped on my heart again, which makes me want to grab a knife and just free myself from this pain. In my tiny bubble where I found solace in the presence of nobody, technology has been both a friend and a foe. And today, she was the latter. My nemesis did it again. In her inno

My friends, my rules.

  I can still recall how these four words were said to me and how I stood there, frozen with time. I thought I knew the value of loyalty, but you will never be able to define it best until you learn to define it through its opposite: betrayal. And the best way to define it was through experience. To this day, out of the many things I was able to let go of, I kept a book from my childhood days. It was the fairytale book The Beauty and the Beast. It is with so much emotion that I would always play the voice of the beast, saying: “You ungrateful man! Whose bed did you sleep in? Whose food have you eaten? And whose clothes are you wearing? Mine, mine, mine! And you repay my kindness by stealing my roses? You shall die.” There weren’t any gruesome, blood-all-over-the-place death that transpired that day, except for something inside me that snapped and bid goodbye. When Psyche spilled hot oil from the lamp that woke her lover Cupid, he flew with his broken wing after saying the words, Love c

Calmer Waters.

I can’t believe that time went by so fast that I am now celebrating my first month anniversary living by the beach. I really wouldn’t notice until I saw it in my expense tracker that I needed to pay rent. Time is indeed fast when you are having fun. And boy, I’m having loads of it. The past 30 days were a transition phase. Google was a great tool in helping me find the best position to place the bed, the Buddha that was gifted to me by a dear friend, my L-shaped table that I had to reassemble without a manual, where to place this and that, and all the things that I was able to fit inside an H100 vehicle. I left most of my plants in Antipolo, which breaks my heart even today. I know deep in my heart that everything I lost will return to me tenfold. During the first days, I had to get myself acclimated to the Zambales weather. I came from the foot of a mountain, so the weather back there was cool, but here, it’s different. I now take two showers a day—three, if you will include the ice w

End of an era.

I woke up today with the rays of the sun touching parts of the wooden floor of the second story of my apartment. I peeped at the window and saw the sun right in front of it. I immediately remembered that this view was the reason I fell in love with this place in the first place. I manifested an east-facing apartment with wooden floors and a space for my plants. This apartment gave birth to a lot of shadowplay. I love this apartment. One week from today, I am finally leaving this apartment after two years of staying in it. I knew I needed to move months ago, but I arrogantly stayed until the universe took matters into its own hands and left me with no choice but to leave. I know I want to be elsewhere. I know I’m done with this city, so I traveled a month ago in search of the perfect apartment. To be honest, I haven’t found the ‘perfect’ apartment yet. I found one, and its proximity to the life I decided to choose for myself is there. The distance from the place to the salt water is les